Registration FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
- How can I register my child?
- HASC provides its members with an online registration process. You may pay by credit card. Use the button above to access our Registration System.
- "What are the soccer seasons?"
- The soccer year runs from September (usually first Sunday after Labor Day) mid-June, and consists of a Fall and a Spring season. Fall season games typically begin the first Sunday after Labor Day, with practices commencing one to two weeks prior. The spring season begins in April. Each recreational soccer season typically consists of a ten-game schedule.
- "When are the season registration periods?
- Registration for the fall season usually begins in July. Registration for the spring begins after the fall season usually begins in the month of January.
- "How old does my child have to be to play soccer?"
- A child must turn 3 1/2 years old sometime during the current soccer year in order to be allowed to play. The age of the child on January 1st determines their age. They must be 3 as of January 1st, or they cannot play. After that a child is eligible to play in a specific age group when they become that age during the soccer year. The LIJSL soccer year runs January 1st to December 31st.
- "How much are the registration fees?"
- Travel: Please see registration page for current pricing.
- Intramural: Please see registration page for current pricing.
- HASC Facilities Fee is added to each registration to help pay for equipment and services for the club.
- A 4% credit card fee is added to each order.
- NOTE: for all programs we offer a multi player discount of $30 for each additional registration. This applies to the 2nd and 3rd child. The 4th or more are FREE! Please make sure to register all your children at the same time.
The Hicksville American Soccer Club Refund Policy is:
A WRITTEN request (verbal requests will not be processed) must be made in writing to the club at:
Hicksville American Soccer Club
P.O. Box 114
Hicksville, NY 11802
Or email with players name and date of birth.
ALL registrations costs are final and no refunds will be issues unless a valid reason is presented to the board of directors. A PARTIAL refund will be issued if the request is approved, with a minimum deduction of $150 plus any additional applicable fees. Fees can cover, but not limited to, player registration fees with LIJSL, soccer ball costs, uniforms, and coaching fees. The amount of the refund is variable and will reflect a deduction of the clubs incurred expenses on the players behalf. An explanation of the refund amount will be provided with the refund.
All refunds may be minus any outstanding team owed funds related to training or team events. This will be at the discretion of the team's coach/manager.
- "What does the registration fee cover for Intramural soccer"?
- For children in divisions U3-U8
- Professional Training two times a week
- Free Uniform - Shirt, Shorts and Socks
- Insurance - $500.00 deductible
- Indoor winter tournament - medals for all participants
- End of Spring Season - Trophies for all participants
- Picnic/End of year celebration
- Referees for older childrens games
- "What other equipment will my child need"?
- Soccer ball - Size 3 for U4-U7, Size 4 for U8-U12, Size 5 for U13-U19
- Shinguards (mandatory)
- Soccer cleats recommended
- Water bottle recommended
- "When and where are the games?"
- Intramural Games (U3-8) are played at Old Country Road school fields. Mostly on Sundays from 11:15-1:30.
- "Can I request that my child is on the same team as a sibling or friend for carpooling reasons?"
- We can possibly accommodate requests for carpooling with one other player. This request must be indicated on the registration forms for both players. Siblings will be kept together on request, as long as they belong in the same age and gender appropriate bracket. Please note requests are not guaranteed.
- "When and how will I find out what team my child is on?"
- The Intramural Director will email all participants prior to the first game of the season.
- "Can my child "play up" in a older age bracket?"
- Special Guidelines and proccesses have been established those requested to play up - please see a copy of the HASC Guidelines - click here.
- "How does my child get on a travel team?
- Travel teams are by Coaches invitation only.
- Tryouts are generally in the May-June time frame.
- Contact a coach in your child's age group for specific tryout information.
- Coaches have final discretion as to who to invite to their teams and who is on their rosters.
- "What does the registration fee cover for Travel soccer"?
- Fees for Travel Soccer (U9+ ages)
- League Fees
- Insurance - $500.00 deductible;
- All other costs including uniforms, training fees, equipment, tournaments, etc... are the responsiblity of the parents and players.
- "When and where are the games?"
- Travel Games (U10-U17) U12 and younger play at Giese Park and U13 and older play mostly at Kolm Memorial Park (formerly known as Triangle Park) and Walker Field (off Andrews Rd)
- "What paperwork do I need to submit to register my child to play soccer?"
- Your coach will require a copy of your child's birth certificate if he or she is a first time registrant. They will also require you to upload a picture of your child for league pass creation.
- "When and where are the practices?"
- All practices are at the discretion of the head coach. Times and location are also at the coaches discretion.
"My question was not answered here. Who can I contact?"
- Registration questions should be directed to the club Registrar, while the Intramural and Travel Directors can field any questions pertaining to their age specific program. Please remember that these people are volunteers also and are typically only available in the evenings.
- Any general questions regarding the Hicksville American Soccer club may be submitted via email -, by phone at (516) 495-3844, or you may message us via our Facebook Page.